5 Reasons to Smile
SM asked Johannesburg aesthetic corrective dentist Dr Michael Glassman, who has 25 years’ experience in cosmetic dentistry, for 5 highly recommended and effective dental procedures for improving one’s smile. What are they? How do they work? How long do they take? What are the results? And finally, what is the price range?
“Today, dentistry is at the forefront of change, ” explains Dr Michael Glassman. “What used to be extractions, false teeth and fillings have now evolved into microscopic root canal treatments, dynamic white filling materials, porcelain inlays, metal-free crowns and state-of-the-art implants. The idea is not to manufacture picture perfect.
luminous Hollvwood teeth that look fake. It’s to create a natural, healthy look and a set of teeth that look beautiful, but also look like they’re yours.
- Adult Orthodontics
“Not only are crooked teeth unattractive, they bring with them multiple problems because they are so difficult to keep clean,” says Dr Glassman. Adult Orthodontics is auite a commitment as braces will be on vour teeth for 12 to 24 months (dependine on the severitv of the case) but are certainly worth the effort. And a new (albeit
expensive) alternative has also hit the market – a revolutionary technique called INVISALIGN. “INVISALIGN is a great option if you don’t want the look of unsightly braces.” adds Dr Glassman. Adult Orthodontics are often a key starting point for the restoration of the smile, as only once the teeth are moved into their correct position, can one begin the
restorative phase. “This was the result of an 18 month orthodontics treatment and is the first step in this patient’s treatment, but still, the results are dramatic even after the first phase. - Unsightly Gums
There are two common ways to treat the problem of a ‘gummy smile.” or over- exposed gums. The first is to have the gummy smile gingivectomised – trimmed with a laser to expose more tooth. The second is a crown lengthening procedure, which involves surgery to the supporting bone and gum, a process which exposes more tooth and improves the smile. “These kinds of procedures are often the pre-treatment phase or starting point prior to beginning any restorative treatment,” explains Dr Glassman.
- Bleaching
“There are many ways that teeth may become stained and take on a brown appearance.” continues Dr Glassman,” Certain foods, coffee, red wine, ageing, or perhaps the problem is genetic.” A common problem is when a patient presents with generally good teeth, but one tooth has discoloured as a result of trauma (the tooth has been
knocked, for example, and the nerve has died, which causes an unsightly discolouration.) Treatment begins with root canal. Then a ‘walking bleach’ is applied, which means that the chemicals are left inside the tooth for a few
days and repeated several times. Over time, the tooth whitens. “We do the bleaching process here at my practice,” explains Dr Glassman. “Most commonly we find that as we age, so too do our teeth age naturally. The become more yellow and stained.” A regular full mouth bleaching is performed in such cases, using a special bleaching light
and certain chemicals. Patients are also offered the option of a home kit to maintain the treatment on his/her own. “Bleaching has become an integral part of our day to day treatment planning,” Dr Glassman
continues. - Unaesthetically shaped teeth
“Many of my patients are women in their 30s, 40s and 50s who have problematically shaped teeth but whom, understandably, don’t want orthodontics at this stage of their lives. The patient (below right) had many fillings, which kept getting replaced, but the heart of the problem was never solved,” explains Dr Glassman. The filling had begun to leak, causing the terrible discolouration. Four Cerec crowns on her upper front teeth made an enormous difference. Cerec technology produces inlays, veneers, crowns and even small bridges in a one stage procedure. This new technology involves a 3D camera, computer and milling machine. A three dimensional picture is taken of the damaged tooth, and an optical impression is conveyed to the computer. The dentist then designs the restoration using advanced software. Once completed, he sends the design to the milling machine then mills the custom-made crown. This happens while the patient waits. “The technology is so swift and efficient, you could go out to lunch, crack your tooth on something hard, come in and have the tooth beautifully
repaired, all in under an hour and a half,” adds Dr Glassman. - Discolouration that cannot be treated with bleaching
Often, crowns or veneers are necessary when the teeth have deteriorated as a result of ageing, fracture or trauma, neglect or prolonged decay, and when the teeth appear brown or black. “Bleaching may seem like an easy option in this kind of case, but bleaching will not solve the aesthetic issue,” explains Dr Glassman. In this case, the damaged teeth were treated with root canals and replaced with crowns. So now that you’re smiling a little wider, the burning question persists – how much? “The pricing of these procedures varies.” says Dr Glassman. From routine bleaching, to individual veneers or crowns, to orthodontics and brackets that are custom made to fit your teeth and according to the precise requirements of your case, you’re looking at anything from three or four thousand rand for a simple treatment to R60 000 for the more involved cases. In other words, the price depends on the patient. One thing is clear however: If you cover your mouth when you laugh, shy away from photo opportunities, brush and floss your teeth every day and night and still wonder why their appearance does not improve. or look much older than you really are or feel – rest assured that there are new, cutting edge and remarkably transformative options out there in the world of cosmetic dentistry, giving you every reason to smile a little wider this Autumn.